
The Price of Student Steel Bunk Bed

There is a big difference in the price of student steel bunk beds on the Internet. Some sell more than 50$, some sell more than 60$, and some sell more than 100$. Of course, we can't just talk about the low price and the quality is not good, we still need to analyze the actual problems. So what are the factors that affect the price of student steel frame beds?

1. Order quantity

Generally, the purchase amount of student steel bunk beds are very large, so the impact in this respect is relatively small because when your order quantity reaches 200 or more, this factor can be ignored.

2. Material influence

The material influence is mainly in two aspects: the thickness of the steel plate and the brand of the steel plate. Needless to say, the thicker the thickness, the higher the price. The brand means the quality of the steel plate. Big brands have stricter quality control, and the price will be relatively higher.

3. Quality workmanship

Some manufacturers have stricter quality control, and some are a little bit close. Strict quality control means that production efficiency is reduced, and production costs will naturally increase. Naturally, the price cannot be compared with those of poor quality.

4. Delivery and installation costs

If the customer is far away from the manufacturer, the manufacturer’s delivery and installation costs will be high, and this part of the cost will eventually be added to the unit price of the steel frame bed.

So when we are purchasing steel frame beds for students, we can’t just look at the price. Some of them look cheap, but the quality is not good. If students have problems with such beds, it will not be worth the loss. We should discuss the price under the premise of ensuring quality.

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